Donny Stone, runner, was out for a run Tuesday night in northern Alberta when he realized that he was being stalked by two cougars.
He was on a road 100 kilometre from Grand Prairie when he looked behind him on the trail.
Here’s how he described the encounter:
Scary night!!! Going for a 10k run down a nice trail I found a couple weeks ago. Well, coming back I saw two cougars cross the path in front of me. Got out a bear banger, bear spray and most important my video camera. Wouldn’t you know it, as I walked by not seeing them, one came at me. Bear spray to his eyes, hollering like I’ve never done before and away went the cat and his brother (well his brother looked like he might come at me too so I shot a little at him for good measure). And yes, most importantly you can see it on video.
Super excited to see the cats as it was always a dream of mine to see one as most of my friends have heard me say lots before. Only fitting that it was like this. Super happy to have my bear spray as I don’t think the bear banger would have done anything from 8 feet and I would have had to resort to my knife. The things running has brought into my life!
On a side note. Please if you run in the woods like I do pack bear spray and have it ready. I packed it tonight but didn’t have the safety off until I saw them cross in front of me. Had I not seen them and they attacked as I went by I wouldn’t have had time to get the safety off. It was an eye opener and I’m grateful it didn’t turn out worse.
h/t: Donny Stone