Blind cat loves hiking and (gasp) walking on a leash

Honey Bee is is no ordinary cat. The blind feline, saved by Animals Fiji, now lives in Seattle with her human family, Sabrina and Jonathan Ursin, who discovered Honey Bee’s love of hiking exploring the great outdoors.

Proving even pets should be undaunted by disability, Honey Bee has amassed quite a following with her most-fitting motto: “Bravery, adventure, cuteness.”

The family has posted a series of YouTube videos that show Honey Bee doing everything from walking in the park to exploring a pumpkin patch and, of course, hiking in the mountains at Mason Lake. That video has turned a lot of heads. More than 700,000 people have watched it online.

It’s also done a lot to raise awareness for Honey Bee’s rescue charity. And, the interest couldn’t come at a better time. Animals Fiji is in the midst of a major fundraising campaign as it finds itself in temporary digs, in need of a permanent home and in danger of closing.

Meanwhile, Honey Bee is taking a break from serious trekking for a while. She has developed a limp and knee condition, which is common in little dogs. Her knee cap will be fixed with surgery after Christmas. Still, she’s running around the house, her family recently posted on Facebook.

“She is a happy, energetic girl, and she’s not letting her limp slow her down,” the Ursins wrote.

h/t Calgary Sun Photo Honey Bee Blind Cat from Fiji/Facebook

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Recovering newspaper reporter.

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