Danny the grieving police dog back on active duty

You may remember Danny the police service dog whose partner Constable David Ross was killed in the line of duty on June 4th in Moncton, New Brunswick.

Danny broke the hearts of the nation as he cried at the regimental funeral for Cst. Ross, Cst. Douglas James Larche and Cst. Fabrice Georges Gevaudan.

The three RCMP officers were gunned down in Moncton last week after a gunman went on a rampage. The suspect has now pleaded guilty. 

So many people wondered about the dog that the RCMP posted a video of Danny playing after the funeral. 

On Wednesday, the RCMP’s Inspector Andre Lemyre  announced that Danny, known officially as Police Service Dog Danny, is going back on active police duty.

“We are really appreciative for the outpouring of support and interest from Canadians for Danny and his well-being. It’s been passionate and persistent since the events of June 4.”

Danny has now been assigned to a new handler but the RCMP will not be sharing Danny’s new posting or any information to give both the dog and his handler the opportunity to succeed and thrive outside the public spotlight. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Danny was born on Sept 7, 2011 at the Police Dog Service Training Centre in Innisfail, Alberta and sent to Vancouver Island to be imprinted by an RCMP member and aspiring dog handler.

He was sent to Moncton on Dec. 4, 2012 after showing great potential to Cst. David Ross and the two of them returned to PDSTC to do their formal training. They returned to Moncton in August of 2013.


About the author

Peg Fong is also in recovery from newspapers

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