“Heroic” police dog performs CPR on Madrid officer

Police dogs sniff bombs, track suspects, detect drugs and find bodies.

And in Spain, police have trained one very special pooch to perform CPR.

Meet Poncho, who jumped into action when his handler with the Madrid police service, pretended to collapse in front of an audience.

The pup pumps up and down on the officer’s chest.

Poncho’s CPR technique is unique. Madrid Police/Twitter

And crawls up to his neck to assess his pulse.

Poncho checks for signs of life. Madrid Police/Twitter

Police called the performance “heroic.”

It was part of an education campaign to promote first aid.

Officer Poncho, an 8-year-old cocker spaniel, “didn’t hesitate for even an instant to ‘save the life,'” police explained in a Twitter post.

The video has now been viewed almost 3 million times.

Poncho is on the job. Madrid Police/Twitter

Poncho is a very good dog.

The demonstration was also to promote animal adoption.

Police even loosely quoted Josh Billings, the pen name for writer Henry Wheeler Shaw, who once said:

“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.”

Photos @policiademadrid/Twitter

About the author

Recovering newspaper reporter.

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