Fur is a political issue in Canada.
Earlier this week, we wrote about a decision by the RCMP after years of lobbying to stop wearing muskrat fur hats for its officers stationed in some of Canada’s coldest places.
But that policy change has now been overturn by the federal Conservatives, the ruling party in Canada.
MP Robert Sopuck in the Dauphin-Swan River-Marquette riding in Manitoba, said the government is reversing the decision and the RCMP will remain fur-wearing officers.
The RCMP’s decision to phase out the use of the iconic muskrat fur hat was disrespectful to our Canadian heritage, and hurts thousands of hunters and trappers in our remote and rural communities”
Sopuck, who lives in a riding where many of his constituents still make a living from the fur trade, says if the RCMP’s decision, if allowed to stand, would have negative repercussions right across Canada.
The Vancouver-based Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals says the Conservatives are clearing “vote pandering” by their decision to overturn the phasing out of muskrat fur hats.
Spokesman Michael Howie said the RCMP’s decision was based on facts, scientific testing and the collective attitudes of their members and the public.
The Government of Canada is clearly trying to pander to a dwindling industry and disregarding the rest of the country’s views.”
The Canadian government says 70,000 Canadians are directly employed through the fur trade, of whom 25,000 are aboriginals.