Brooklyn is home to many unusual sights but residents who live in the NYC borough were surprised to find a loose bull in their mist Tuesday.
The bull, which was first thought to be a cow, was found wandering through a park in Brooklyn.
The bull was later cornered while running around the soccer fields on the south side of Prospect Park, as a large crowd watched.
Officials don’t know how the bull got loose. But eventually animal rescue workers tranquilized the buill after several hours of trying to corral it with nets.
The bull was taken to Skylands Animal Sanctuary and Rescue in Wantage, New Jersey where it received the name “Shankar.”
He’ll be quarantined for 30 days, but if he is found to be healthy he will be able to join the other 39 cattle in the santuary.
In case you are wondering, “Shankar” means “one who brings about happiness or prosperity.”