Lucy the Emu found after being on the lam

Here’s an update with a happy ending:

Lucy the emu who went missing has been tracked down and returned to his owner.

Lucy, a 70-kilogram, emu made a run for it after his pen was left open. (Yeah, Lucy is a man. You got a problem with that?)

The 16-year-old bird’s owner says he’s worried Lucy may get caught by the wrong people. Tim Genner told the CBC that he hopes people call police and not the conservation service if Lucy is spotted. She was most recently seen near Colliery Dam Park earlier this week.

My biggest concern is conservation officers. Their concern is not conservation. It’s to get the animal out of public purview. And that always involves — mostly involves killing them.”

Genner says several years after the bird was named, it was discovered that Lucy was not female, but the name stuck.

In fact, it was a conservation officer who found Lucy. A blanket was tossed over Lucy’s head and he was herded into a van. But it wasn’t an easy reconciliation. genner-s-arm

Lucy kicked up a fuss and did some damage to Genner’s leg. He forgives Lucy. But it will be a while before Lucy gets another taste of freedom from his pen.


“Don’t get an emu for a pet.




h/t: CBC

Photo credit: CBC

About the author

Peg Fong is also in recovery from newspapers

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