A worldwide campaign to promote veganism with the argument that humans are extremely prejudiced against all non-human animals has moved from Times Square in NYC to Hobart, Tasmania.
Be Fair, Be Vegan, a small animal rights organization based in Colorado, calls for the “emancipation of nonhuman animals” which its supporters believes is the biggest social justice movement since the abolition of slavery.
Not only is the animal industry holding hostage the natural world and its inhabitants as well as sabotaging the health of our society, its practices are a violation of the most basic rights of the individuals it enslaves.
The group says they’re a small number of vegan activists, all unpaid, who volunteer to promote what it means to be vegan: that all animals have a basic right not to be used as resources for food, clothing, entertainment or other reasons.
Last summer, Be Fair, Be Vegan launched its campaign in one of the busiest cities in the world, in New York City. Now the group has moved its billboard campaign, consisting of stark black and white photographs depicting human animals and non-human animals to one of the quietest places on earth, in Hobart, Tasmania.
The campaign’s move to Australia was intended to draw attention to Australia’s 300 abattoirs. Each year, the group says 600 million animals are killed, the equivalent of 1,000 every minute. That number doesn’t include the animals sent for export.
The hope of these billboards is that they will help people to see that these figures are not just statistics. They represent a colossal number of actual animals, all of whom are individuals with faces, families and feelings, and all of whom, whether in the dairy, egg, meat or wool industries, and whether factory farmed, free-range, cage-free, or organic, end their lives in panic and terror as a result of our hardhearted attitudes toward them.
The billboard campaign next moves to Connecticut and then to Canada in Halifax.
h/t: Facebook Be Fair Be Vegan