Be warned, people of Smithers, B.C. There’s a grumpy pregnant moose on the loose.
Resident Laryne Gamble caught the whole thing after pulling over and posted about it on Facebook.
My sister in law had never seen a moose before so I decided to pull over and record a snippet but caught this instead. I really hope the lady is okay. -it happened this afternoon on King street in Smithers BC
In the video, the moose is standing in the front yard when a woman walks by on the street. It look like the passerby didn’t know she was being followed as the moose comes up behind her and gives her a swift kick in the upper back.
Conservation officer Flint Knibbs said in a statement with HQ Bulkley Valley that residents shouldn’t be afraid that the animal has health problems. But he did warn that people should give the moose extra space.
The woman only suffered minor bruising and scrapes, said Knibbs.
You can see in the video that it’s between a house and a vehicle, and our take on it is that the moose felt it needed to get out of there.”
Knibbs said the cranky momma moose is not going to face any consequences from the kick.