RIP Smiley. You were a very good dog, indeed

Smiley may well have been the world’s most famous therapy dog.

Born without eyes, Smiley spent the first two years of his life in a puppy mill in Canada. He was rescued in 2004 and rehabilitated. He would end up giving back as a certified therapy dog helping grownups and children alike.

Smiley went on to met world leaders. Smiley even became the hero of the book, Smiley: A Journey of Love, written by his owner, Joanne George of Stouffville, Ontario. Smiley racked up a huge social media following.

Smiley was simply marvellous.

“If you’re feeling down … close your eyes, point your nose to the sun, inhale and let the positive energy recharge you.” Smiley/Facebook

Over the weekend, Smiley crossed the rainbow bridge.

His ongoing battle with cancer was just too much. Joanne George did what many pet owners eventually face. She did what was best for Smiley and had him euthanized.

He was 15.

Family mourned Smiley.

One boy especially. Shepherd has never known life without Smiley.

Smiley touched the lives of people he never met.

He had more than 200,000 Instagram followers and another 115,000 on Facebook.

A candlelight vigil was even held in his memory Sunday night.

Smiley came from nothing.

But he would go on to meet important people.

He even did the talk show circuit in the United States.

But mostly, he was loved.

How do I thank him for what he’s done? How do I say goodbye? It’s almost time to give him back. How do I just go on without him?

A post shared by Joanne George (@smileytheblindtherapydog) on

Photos Smiley the blind therapy dog/Facebook

About the author

Recovering newspaper reporter.


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