Russia sends replacement puppy to replace slain French hero Diesel

Last week during raids at an apartment by French investigators looking for suspects connected to the Paris terrorist attacks, police dog Diesel was killed after being sent in to look for explosives.

Diesel was a seven year old German Shepherd and after he was killed the hashtag JeSuisChien circulated on social media.

Now the Russian government has sent a heartwarming message.

It’s Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev has sent letter to his French colleague Minister of Internal Affairs of France Bernard Kaznevu saying another dog was on its way on behalf of the Russian people.

“On behalf of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, convey words of support to French colleagues in connection with the tragic events that took place in France.

In support of our solidarity with the French police in These troubled days I ask you to take on the Russian police dog handlers police Shepherd puppy, who will be able to take place in the ranks who died on duty Diesel service dog.

I assure you of the readiness of further cooperation in the fight against crime and terrorism.

Этого щенка служебной собаки зовут Добрыня. Его назвали так в честь русского былинного богатыря Добрыни, который является воплощением силы, добра, воинской доблести и бескорыстной помощи. Щенок будет передан Франции в знак солидарности с французским народом и полицией в борьбе с терроризмом. Ce petit chien est le chien de service qui s’appelle Dobrynia. Il a été nommé ainsi a l’honneur du légendaire héros russe Dobrynya, qui est la personnification de la force, de la bonté, de la bravoure et de l’altruisme. Ce chien sera remis à la France en temoignage de la solidarité avec le peuple français ainsi que la police francaise dans le cadre de la lutte contre le terrorisme.

A photo posted by Елена Алексеева (@eialeks) on

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Peg Fong is also in recovery from newspapers

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