Well, now we know how at least this turtle got to the other side.
With a little help from paramedics in Durham Region, outside Toronto, who came upon the wayward turtle somewhat stuck along a roadside.
But they weren’t about to just drive by.
“Along with being amazing clinicians and patient advocates our paramedics sometimes also ensure the health & safety of our animal friends too,” the Region of Durham Paramedic Service tweeted Thursday.
And so, they were slow and steady in guiding the turtle to safety.
No, it was not a race.
“This turtle was given a little assistance crossing the street the other day,” the paramedic service said. “Nice work Erin & Brian.”
Big or small, this EMS crew cares for patients one and all.
Along with being amazing clinicians and patient advocates our paramedics sometimes also ensure the health & safety of our animal friends too. This turtle was given a little assistance crossing the street the other day, nice work Erin & Brian! 🚑 pic.twitter.com/sUSQcQoMDz
— Region of Durham Paramedic Service (@DurhamParamedic) May 5, 2022