Southern Ontario paramedics lend helping hands to lift turtle across road

Well, now we know how at least this turtle got to the other side.

With a little help from paramedics in Durham Region, outside Toronto, who came upon the wayward turtle somewhat stuck along a roadside.

But they weren’t about to just drive by.

Why did this turtle want to cross the road? Photo: Region of Durham Paramedic Service/Twitter

“Along with being amazing clinicians and patient advocates our paramedics sometimes also ensure the health & safety of our animal friends too,” the Region of Durham Paramedic Service tweeted Thursday.

The turtle got a friendly lift. Photo: Region of Durham Paramedic Service/Twitter

And so, they were slow and steady in guiding the turtle to safety.

No, it was not a race.

Two thumbs up for this little patient. Photo: Region of Durham Paramedic Service/Twitter

“This turtle was given a little assistance crossing the street the other day,” the paramedic service said. “Nice work Erin & Brian.”

Big or small, this EMS crew cares for patients one and all.

About the author

Recovering newspaper reporter.

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