All Aboard! Except these two. Cougars spotted on SkyTrain tracks in Port Moody April 22, 2017 An unusual pair of commuters arrived a whisker too early to ride the SkyTrain on British Columbia’s Lower Mainland. Two adult cougars were caught… Continue Reading
World’s toughest chihuahua survives 5 days in Canadian backcountry June 9, 2016 Meet Bitzy who unwittingly won Survivor: Banff National Park-style. We may never know exactly how the chihuahua, which also happens to be a children’s… Continue Reading
Wildlife crossing eyed for California help cougars navigate LA traffic September 4, 2015 Actor Rainn Wilson wants the public to help LA cougars. No, no, not housewives, the star of The Office insists, but real live mountain lions of… Continue Reading
Man jumps fence at Ohio zoo to pet cougars now charged with trespassing July 27, 2015 More than 100,000 people have watched a man jump into a cougar enclosure at an Ohio zoo. That, after a video titled “Cougar” was… Continue Reading
See what happens when bears and wolves don’t think we’re watching June 28, 2014 The Bow Valley Parkway is a scenic 48-kilometre highway that meanders through a swath of Banff National Park in Alberta. This secondary route, which parallels… Continue Reading