Paramedic dons Ebola gear to rescue skunk with cup stuck on its head August 8, 2016 When Justin Mausz pulled into work Sunday morning, he saw a skunk with a cup stuck on its head. The Peel, Ontario paramedic’s heart… Continue Reading
Bentley reunited with Dallas nurse Nina Pham after Ebola scare November 1, 2014 This was no ordinary return of a dog to its owner. Bentley, the King Charles Spaniel, is best known as the American dog put… Continue Reading
Bentley, dog of Dallas nurse with Ebola, to be saved October 15, 2014 Bentley, the dog belonging to a Dallas health care worker who contracted Ebola, will be spared the fate of Excalibur, the dog that was… Continue Reading
UPDATE: Spanish health authorities euthanize Excalibur, the dog owned by Ebola-stricken nurse October 8, 2014 Spanish health officials went into the home of a Spanish nurse who contracted Ebola after caring for two patients with the virus and destroyed… Continue Reading
Canines rally to save Excalibur, dog of Spanish nurse with Ebola #SalvemosAExcalibur October 8, 2014 A worldwide effort is being mounted to save Excalibur, the dog who may have been infected with the deadly Ebola virus after its owner… Continue Reading