Bumble bees play with balls for fun October 28, 2022 Bumble bees play with rolling wooden balls which demonstrates for the first time that insects are able to have fun. The new study indicates… Continue Reading
Not dead, just playful. Raven frolics in London snowfall February 7, 2019 There is no raven more chill than this raven. Val Borrell with London Wildlife Trust captured a joyful video of a childlike raven rolling… Continue Reading
Wednesday Zen Moment: Scientists taught bees how to play soccer March 15, 2017 Bumblebees aren’t dumb. Research has previously shown bees can use cognitive skills to figure things out and dexterity to make it happen. Scientists have… Continue Reading
Best friends! Elephant and dog swim and play together at safari park January 17, 2015 More than 60 big cats make the Myrtle Beach Safari their home. But the best friendship in the park may be the one between Bubbles… Continue Reading
It’s a World Cup match between a dog and a turtle July 10, 2014 This is World Cup critter-style. The dog understands Italian. We’re not sure what side the turtle is on. But this is a pretty uneven… Continue Reading