Alarm bells raised over welfare of UK circus cats November 1, 2014 Animal rights activists in the UK are ramping up the campaign to ban the use of wild animals in travelling circuses. On Halloween, the Born… Continue Reading
Yuck! Backpacker had leech in nose, thought it was congealed blood October 14, 2014 Try not to read this story without picking your nose. Backpacker Daniela Liverani has been having nosebleeds for weeks but didn’t link it to… Continue Reading
Mystery of the transporting cat February 1, 2014 How does a cat travel by itself 2,000 miles from the Canary Islands to a fishing village in Scotland? They must have really good… Continue Reading
Canadian woman falls off horse begins speaking with Scottish accent January 9, 2014 Sharon Campbell- Rayment may have ancestors who were from Scotland, but the Ontario woman, who runs a horse riding school, has never been to… Continue Reading