Wednesday Zen Moment: Dancing Winnie the Pooh. You’re welcome

Technically this is a story about a computer animated critter based on a children’s storybook critter, which was based on a real life critter.

But for your viewing pleasure, behold Winnie the Pooh cutting a rug on a virtual dance floor. Twitter is proving to be the coolest space on the internet for @Dancing_Winnie. That’s where this particular Pooh bear is celebrating life’s everyday accomplishments by simply dancing.

And Dancing Winnie, for the record, has selected Hotel Room Service by Pitbull as his preferred jam.


And of course, it has spawned imitators. Because what would the internet be without memes?

Winnie of course is based on the books by author A.A. Milne, who created the character after see in a black bear at the London Zoo. The bear wound up in England during the First World War thanks to a Canadian Lieutenant named Harry Colebourn who bought the bear from a hunter and named it =”Winnie” after the city of Winnipeg where the soldier once lived.

And, so did we.

About the author

Recovering newspaper reporter.

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