Wednesday Zen Moment: Did this lion really shake and kiss a dog’s paw to beg forgiveness?

At the Black Jaguar White Tiger Foundation sanctuary in Mexico, different species live together.

Founder Eduardo Serio works with the Mexican government and other rescue groups and organizations to bring animals into a safe environment.

Big felines including lions, jaguars, tigers, leopards, lynxes, pumas and servals spend the rest of their lives at the sanctuary after their rescue from circuses, zoos and breeders. There are also about 60 dogs living at the sanctuary rescued mostly from the streets.

As Serio says on the foundation’s website

We have found out that the more Animals living together in one group, the happier they are, regardless of the species. So we have Prides that go from three individuals up to sixteen, and certain groups have members from different species that Love and respect each other.

By @happyhensandhighlands Via @sheh47

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Remember, WE DO NOT BREED THEM. And even though different species living with each other would never occur in the wild, it is ok for us to do it in our Sanctuary because, as we mentioned before, they were born and currently live in captivity due to the human destruction of our Planet.

The point of the sanctuary, according to Serio is to inspire people to take insight from animals.

If a Leopard and a Lion can Love each other, then it is possible for us humans rescue as many Animals in need from sad circumstances like circuses, breeding facilities (Both legal and illegal) and from people that have them as pets, providing them with a home, the best food, medical care and a life of dignity and Love for the rest of their lives.

One recent visitor shot an amazing short video of a lion going up to a dog and shaking the dog’s paw then nuzzling or kissing the canine’s paw. What do you think?


The video was posted by 10 year old Illiana, a toy reviewer who is on Instagram as Toyquest101 


About the author

Peg Fong is also in recovery from newspapers

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