This exists: “Smallest working dog.” And, the honour bestowed by the good folks at Guinness – the World Records people, not the beer purveyor – belongs to Lucy, a Yorkshire terrier that stands a mere 14.5 centimetres tall. Lucy is a certified pet therapy dog, hospice volunteer and pint-sized fundraiser. She’s also a rescue dog herself, according to her owner, Sally Leone Montufar of New Jersey. The pair travels to nursing homes, rehabilitation centres and schools to entertain the young and old alike.
Like most celebrities – or those with a fancy titles – Lucy also has her own website, Facebook page and merchandise line. (T-shirts, naturally, fit a bit small.)
Maybe it’s just more evidence that Guinness is happy to catalogue just about anything. And, a reason to quote Dr. Seuss: After all, a person’s a person no matter how small. But mostly, it’s an excuse coo over a boatload of cute.
h/t Huffington Post, Photos Facebook