Wow wow wow! Wolverine hunting deer fawn caught on video

You have never seen anything like this. Guaranteed.

A wolverine swimming, stalking and hunting a deer fawn in Montana was captured on video.

The wolverine is so elusive in the wild, few photos of the species exists, even fewer videos and rarer still, such a lengthy video of the critter in action.

“Rare footage of wolverine seen attempting a kill over 4th of July weekend 2017 near Ajax Mountain in Montana,” Whitney Beckley posted on YouTube. “Less than 250 of these roam in the lower 48.”

It is riveting to watch.

The eyewitnesses to these amazing show of nature, couldn’t believe their eyes as they watched the wolverine swim across a lake toward the deer.

“It’s gonna be trapped,” one man can be heard saying.

A wolverine swims across a lake on Montana. Whitney Beckley/YouTube

“Oh my god,” he adds, as the wolverine climbs up on shore.

A wolverine pauses to stalk its prey in Montana. Whitney Beckley/YouTube

And pauses to see the lay of the land before bolting up onto the snow.

As the mother deer distracts the wolverine, its fawn swims away. Whitney Beckley/YouTube

This is one swift wolverine.

The wolverine gallups across some lingering summer snow in Montana. Whitney Beckley/YouTube

A mother deer runs along on shore, while a fawn is swimming toward the group in the water.

As the mother deer distracts the wolverine, its fawn swims away. Whitney Beckley/YouTube

The video ends before we see the finale.

But Laurel Staples of NBC Montana updated the story, saying its unclear how it ended and posted more photos courtesy of Eric Hicks.

Including this incredible shot.

Eric Hicks sent NBC Montana this photo of the incredible encounter.

“These amazing photos show the wolverine hunting a fawn – the fawn’s mother tried to fight it off. The fawn jumped in the lake and the wolverine swam after it. The wolverine was last seen pursuing the fawn on a ridge. It’s unknown how it all ended,” she posted on Facebook.

It’s truly wild nature.


h/t Laurel Staples Main photo Eric Hicks, photos Whitney Beckley



About the author

Recovering newspaper reporter.

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