Cue the Jaws theme.
Robert Morritt of Perth was walking his dog near the seaside at Perth when he saw what he believed as a big fish.
It turned out to be a juvie shark about 1.5 metres long.
Morritt said when he realized that what he saw wasn’t a fish, he tied his dog up and walked closer to the water to get a closer look.
The fish was close to the Royal Perth Yacht Club and swam within metres of Morritt, according to Perth Now.
“It was just fearless, it didn’t worry about me, it just came straight at me and I just videoed it, it just came right past my legs,” Mr Morritt said.
It was just quite spectacular to see it just cruising along the shore.”
Reaching up to 2.4 metres in size, sandbar shark are not generally considered a risk to people but can and do bite when handled.
Mr Morritt said given the shark was small he didn’t feel he was in danger. He’s seen plenty of dolphins in Matilda Bay, but this was the first time he’d seen a shark.
The Royal Perth Yacht Club posted Mr Morritt’s footage to its Facebook page and warned its members to take care and be on alert around the water.