B.C. man convicted of feeding mini-doughnuts to a bear fined $2,000

Remember those photos of a bear being hand-fed Tim Hortons Timbits?

Well, a British Columbia man has now been convicted of unlawfully feeding bear after pleading guilty in provincial court. The man was fined $2,000 and orders to keep at least 50 metres away from bears for six months.

Randy Scott shared photos of the mini-doughnut feeding frenzy on social media.

The British Columbia Conservation Service said it was during the summer of 2017, that officials in the Peace region received complaints about people feeding bears along the Alaska Highway. But it wasn’t until October, 2018 when charges were laid under the B.C. Wildlife Act.

Randy Scott and co-accused Megan Hiltz each faced one count of feeding or attempting to feed dangerous wildlife.

A Facebook paged belonging to someone named Randy Scott did feature photos of a number of bears and a bin of what appeared to be Tim Hortons mini-doughnuts on June 12 with the caption, “Thousand timbits ready for bear feeding.”

That post has since been deleted.

But another is still there.

Even as the case wound its way through the court system, Scott’s Facebook page contained more photos of food being offered to a bear.

According to B.C. Court Services, the charge against Hiltz was stayed.

Still, the conclusion to the case was applauded.

But there was also some disappointment.

Photos B.C. Conservation Officer Service/Facebook

About the author

Recovering newspaper reporter.

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