Don’t think animals can feel emotion? This video of a goat named Mr. G and a donkey named Jellybean will make you believer.
“Watch the incredible transformation of a goat who wouldn’t eat or move from his stall…until he was reunited with his best friend Jellybean,” Animal Place, a California-based sanctuary notes on YouTube.
Animal Place rescued Mr. G from a hoarder who failed to care for them properly while another sanctuary offered to take in burro Jellybean, the non-profit says. The video has been viewed more than 5 million times on YouTube where some people have wondered why the animals couldn’t be placed together initially. The answer isn’t clear. Regardless, the reunion is unbelievably moving.
“Neither knew how bonded the two were,” Animal place notes on Facebook. “Mr. G refused to eat for six days. Drastic measures were taken to reunite the two best buddies…now Mr. G and Jellybean are safe at Animal Place.”
Photo Animal Place/Facebook Video Animal Place/First Spark Media/YouTube