The so-called “sheep incident” at Fresno State University still has the California campus abuzz. Last week, a 23-year-old student, apparently stressed out by mid-terms and boozing, made his way into the school’s sheep unit, which is home to about 100 ewes. Another student heard noises and went to investigate, according to local ABC news.
The alleged assault happened about 3:30 a.m. Nov. 11 in a campus agricultural barn, according to the Fresno Bee, which citied a campus police report that said the student told officers he had consumed an “unknown amount of beverages.”
“It’s just kind of disgusting and revolting and personally makes me angry. I mean, why would you do that?” Marisa Burkdoll, a student who works with animals on campus, told ABC news. “It’s just kind of sick. It’s unnatural and the animals they can’t really, I mean they can’t defend themselves. They can to an extent but they’re innocent, you know what I mean?”
The unnamed student, who is charged with sexual assault on an animal, has been released from jail. The sheep is being monitored by veterinarians.
Someone has created a parody Twitter account for the abused sheep, but animal cruelty is no joke.
h/t ABC news Photo Fresno State University