This takes Canadiana to a new level.
On Tuesday afternoon, a moose took in some Winter Olympic action by watching bobsleigh on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
Matt Duncombe snapped this image outside his home in Calgary of the iconic national critter (a moose was even featured on a special edition coin) and tweeted to the country’s public broadcaster.
Very much a meanwhile-in-Canada moment.
#CBCOlympics Your coverage is attracting a diverse audience. #MooseareCanadianstoo
— Matt Duncombe (@MattJ777) February 20, 2018
CBC even replied to the image.
Friendly neighborhood moose, here in Calgary. Little fella was just looking for a bobsleigh update.
— Matt Duncombe (@MattJ777) February 20, 2018
So did Team Canada.
Lol bobsleigh game so strong even moose want to watch 😂🇨🇦
— Team Canada (@TeamCanada) February 20, 2018
Other critters, by the way, were also taking in the Games in Pyeongchang.
Like this cat.
Diana catching the curling action.
— Mimo Nielsen (@gothmimo) February 20, 2018
And this one.
Haha! Love it! No moose on our porch, but we has cat watching figure skating.
— Flutterby Project (@fluttrbyproject) February 20, 2018
And another.
Truly #Canadian Love it!!!
My cat has been enjoying the curling 🥌 #LoveYourPetDay
— Pamela Hiley (@PamelaHiley) February 20, 2018
Canada, by the way, is killing it in South Korea.
By the evening of Feb. 20 (or morning of Feb. 21 local time), the country was third by medal count with 19, including eight gold. Norway was leading the world at the Games with 30 medal followed by Germany with 23.
Photo Matt Duncombe/Twitter