Sorry folks, we’re siding with Sulu on this one.
George Takei posted this cartoon on his Facebook page recently showing a cow holding up a belt. He added this comment..
Cue indignant animal rights commentary in 3…2…1…”
It was a humorous post that Takei said also raised an important social issue about the fate of otherwise voiceless beings that both feed and clothe us humans.
He didn’t intend to offend those who champion animal rights, Takei said. But his Facebook page got a ton of negative comments.
What I intended was for the cartoon NOT to spiral into an apocalypse comment stream, but that apparently failed, and Team Takei received a flood of emails protesting the snubbing of those who have dedicated their lives to being that voice.
Takei apologized but said his apology was not an occasion to criticize those who others may think may be overly sensitive.
Each person has a hot button that when pressed leads to embittered reaction or legitimately stung feelings.
Rather, let us respect, in a civil manner, that the Internet is a marketplace of ideas, and all who mean no harm or display no hate or animus are free to barter them.
Cartoon credit: