Who needs an Oscar winner and an edge of your seat blockbuster when you have kittens? That’s just what The Pet Collective has done with Gone Girl, a Ben Affleck blockbuster based on the Gillian Flynn novel of the same name.
“Who knew a psychological thriller depicting a terrifying marriage could be so precious?” The Hollywood Reporter notes in its, um, film review.
Or, as The Pet Collective put it: “You’ve never seen a cuter version of your adult psychological thriller… based on a book!”
Spoiler alert: It’s a pretty purrfect scene-by-scene version of the real thing.
Of course, the folks at The Pet Collective don’t stop there. Just in time for Halloween, they have also posted a kitten version of Scream. Do you like scary movies? Perhaps we all prefer cat videos.
There’s also Amerikitten Horror Story. Masks! Costumes! Pets saying frightening things in this adorable version of American Horror Story.
And, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!
h/t The Hollywood Reporter Photo Pet Collective/YouTube