Super cute polar bear cub updates below.
First steps! First time eating from a dish! Slurping from a bottle! Trilling sounds from a happy bear! (Yes, it’s cute enough for this many exclamation points.)
But first, the background from our Dec. 12, 2013 post:
When three cubs were born to Aurora, one of the female polar bears at the Toronto Zoo on Nov. 9, you could practically here the oooo-ing and ahhh-ing.
Momma bear was showing “perfect maternal instincts” and “attempted to nurse each cub shortly after their birth,” according to Eric Cole, the acting manager of wildlife care. But within 48 hours, zoo staff found two of the male cubs dead.
On Nov. 11, staff said the surviving males cub was “not moving as strongly as before” and intervened to give him 24-hour care TLC, including a special formula for multiple mealtimes. Sometimes new, experienced bears just don’t make the best mothers, according to experts. According to the Toronto Star, the tiny bear is now “making progress.”
Staff have been documenting the bear’s growth with a photo album that would make any new parent swoon. And, officials have now uploaded some adorable videos on YouTube of the little fella feeding, crawling and exploring.
The unnamed cub, remains in a temperature controlled environment with seven feedings per day, and is reaching various milestones, according to the zoo. His coat is gradually becoming thicker. He shows his “contentment by purring.” He is also crawling and rolling over.
“He is becoming more active and mobile,” the zoo said in a statement, “and is asserting his personality by growling and calling to staff.”
“While it still remains day-to-day with a cub so young, the team remains hopeful with this small survivor,” it added.
The Toronto Zoo working with a number of other zoos, groups and government agencies to understand polar bear reproductive biology.
Jan. 8, 2014 update:
First steps:
First time eating from a dish:
Guzzling from a bottle:
One happy bear:
More adorable photos and updates on the Toronto Zoo’s Facebook page.
h/t Toronto Star Photo Toronto Zoo