Hector had a rough start in life, right from birth actually.
He was found frozen to the ground in northern Saskatchewan after his mother, a stray dog, gave birth to him on the ground in -40 C weather. His hind legs and tail had to be amputated.
But fortunately for Hector, he was taken in and found a home with Regina residents Lisa Korol and her family.
And now thanks to well-wishers who raised $3,800, Hector has all four legs again after he was fitted out with a pair of prosthetic legs.
Fundraisers were held, local businesses contributed and his new legs arrived last week.
Hector has become such a hit and an inspiration that he’s been invited to visit patients at the Wascana Rehabilitation Centre.
Lisa Korol told CBC that there’s something about her dog that helps people feel better about themselves.
He makes people smile, he makes people happy..If you’re having a bad day, come see Hector.”