Who needs the garish glitz of the Kardashians when you have the silky purr of the Kattarshians.
Keeping Up With the Kattarshians is Iceland’s new reality show that has everything you could ever want on the internet. It’s like Big Brother, but takes place in a doll house and the stars are kittens. (Sorry, no promise of cat fights.)
Seriously. Kittens in bunk beds. Bunk beds.
“The cutest slow-TV on the Internet,” boasts Nutiminn, one of the country’s leading news and entertainment sites. “Watch as the drama goes down in the purr-fect little house of kittens.”
The project is being done cooperation with The Icelandic Cat Protection Society. And, the Icelandic Food And Veterinary Authority, the Animal Welfare Officer and the Expert Veterinarian and Animal Welfare Officer are aware and have approved of the concept.
See, all kinds of cute.
Watch ‘Keeping Up With The Kattarshians,’ Iceland’s New Cat Reality Series https://t.co/Trpwsv5O0y pic.twitter.com/YGuebQ84ZN
— Iceland Naturally (@IcelandNatural) February 24, 2017
Photos Keeping Up With The Kattarshians