Baby sea lions, swim!
This video still gets my heart racing every time I see it.
Photographer Rich Howard first began taking underwater photography in his 20s but his love of the water came earlier than that. At five or six years old, he got his first book from Jacques Cousteau and he’s loved the ocean ever since.
For his 20th wedding anniversary, Howard and his wife Laura took a scuba diving trip to La Paz, Mexico. It was there that while on a dive, when the dive master told them they needed to get back on their boat.
It wasn’t until they saw why that Rich and Laura understood the need to get them back on board.
A pod of killer whales were heading for the sea lions around the boat. The massive mammals started following the fast moving boat, jumping, flipping and playing in the boat’s wake. Rich said every time the whales came up for a breath of air, they sent out sprays of water.
“It was amazing to see them because they were 6-8 inches off the back of the boat.”
Laura said watching the whales was an unforgettable experience.
They were spinning, jumping…One of them really stuck with us the longest and would flip on their side and literally look up at me.”
h/t: Oceans of Images, WFLA