Digger is one plucky, and lucky, little kitten.
Last week, workers in Nova Scotia were knocking down an old church in Doctors Cove when they came across a small female kitten, perhaps a month old. They scooped up the wee thing from the old building. It was unharmed, but another cat, wasn’t so fortunate. It was found dead.
Still, construction crews thought they heard another kitten crying, but they couldn’t find it. A couple of days later, they stumbled on the saddest sight — an obviously injured kitten trying to free himself from the mud and dirt.
They called Animals in Need, a non-profit shelter based in Clark’s Harbour, for help.
Volunteer Brandi Nickerson took the kitten, which was later appropriately named Digger, to the vet. The group posted his amazing survival story to Facebook.
“Three hours later ‘Digger’ was released; he has a fracture on one back leg, has skin removed from two toes on his other back leg, and has trouble using one of his front legs. This poor little fella has been through a lot today, and he’s only a month old. He’s an absolute dear – was starving, in pain, and Brandi never heard a peep out of him. He’s going to need a lot of care over the next few months, and will need to have his splint on for at least 6 weeks.”
And, so far, he’s been faring well. He’s eating, getting used to his new home. Though, he has some trouble moving with the weighty cast.
Posted by Animals In Need on Wednesday, October 14, 2015
“We love this little guy and he will be getting lots of love an attention,” the group promised.
The group is also collecting donations to help cover Digger’s vet bills and his long recovery.
“Digger is still holding strong,” Animals in Need posted. “… one look in his eyes and he is in your heart instantly.”
No kidding. Look. At. That. Face.
h/t Metro Photos Animals in Need/Facebook