Meatless Monday: China building giant solar farm shaped like a ….panda

For maxim efficiency, solar farms are designed to align the panels in rows and column. The idea is that forming a grid will increase the arrays.

But who says it has to be just a grid? One of China’s largest clean energy operators is building a 248-acre solar farm and is aligning its panels to form the shape of a panda that can be seen from the air.

On June 30th, the first phase was completed and power is being delivered to a grid in northwestern China. This panda will breed. Another panda is planned for later this year.

The Panda Power Plant will be able to produce 3.2 billion kilowatt-hours of solar energy in 25 years, according to the company. More solar energy means less coal. The company claims that the energy sent to the grid will remove a million tons of coal that would have been needed to power that electricity. The company says that its solar power will reduce carbon emissions by 2.74 million tons.

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The Panda Power Plant in Datong, China will stretch 1,500 acres when complete.
 China Merchants New Energy/Panda Green Energy

China Merchants New Energy Group worked with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) to make the Panda Power Plant a reality. The project is part of a larger effort to raise awareness among young people in China about clean energy, the UNDP wrote in a statement.

The groups hope to build more panda-shaped solar plants throughout China in the next five years.


About the author

Peg Fong is also in recovery from newspapers

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