A plan to use Crissy Field in San Francisco as a dog poop zone for a Saturday meeting point between alt-right and counter protesters has been turfed turd!
A local dog owner name Tuffy Tuffington had started a FB page urging people to counter an alt-right demonstration planned today by getting their dogs to leave their dog poop on the ground.
Some loved the idea.
Others thought it was terrible. Kollie Hutchinson posted a comment:
An absolute turdable idea, find another way to protest otherwise you might just as well dump your own shit along with all your other daily refuse with ‘promises’ to clean up. LEAD BY EXAMPLE NOT BY YOUR GARBAGE lest you be as small minded as those you protest…
Tuffy Tuffington had also organized a pick up the poo day for the day after.
A few days before the protest, he went down to Crissy Field and fences were up and access to the area was cut off.
There is a lot of security on site as well.
In addition, I’ve received a lot of threats against me, my dogs and dogs in general from some very interesting people!
So if you go just be aware of your surroundings.
The coverage of this counter-action has been incredible. The story has been picked up in Mexico, Slovakia, Poland, Germany, the UK and all over the US. Our message has definitely been heard!
I still plan in participating in clean-up efforts Sat night (if possible) and Sunday so I hope to see you all there.
Thank you for all of the wonderful messages of support and to all of your good dogs!