Sienna the cat is too fat to chase mice, pounces on gloves instead

Dawn Palmer blamed the dog at first.

The family’s chocolate lab was presumed to be the culprit when Palmer kept noticing gloves around the house.

I assumed my son had some workmen’s gloves in his room and our chocolate lab was picking them up and dropping them around the house.”

So Palmer began dropping the gloves off in her son’s room, presuming that the dog was stealing them from him. They were all single gloves, nylon, rubber and cloth.

Her son just chucked all the gloves in a bag. They then noticed their cat Sienna meowing to come see what she picked up and when they realized she had gloves with her, Palmer and her son took the bag and began counting how many gloves they had accumulated.

We started countingĀ and realized it was 50 gloves.”

Palmer said she realized that her nine-year-old cat has grown too tubby over the years and is incapable of catching the mice and birds she used to bring home. But gloves are not moving and easy to pounce on.

Probably someone out there cursing, and didn’t know why their gloves are missing.

CBC interview host Carol Off said she’s experienced what some of Palmer’s neighbours have over the years.

I’ve found a glove missing and didn’t think someone’s pet walked away with it,” Off said during her interview with Palmer.

Palmer said her family was trying to do some animal psychology and because the family is about to make a move, they wondered whether Sienna was trying to tell them they shouldn’t leave.

Sienna’s glove-stealing days continue. Just recently, Palmer walked out the front door and saw that her cat had left a plastic bag with rubber gloves inside.

h/t: CBC As it Happens

Photo credit: CBC


About the author

Peg Fong is also in recovery from newspapers

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