Bat trapped in “enormous” spiderweb saved by scientists in national preserve in Texas September 19, 2023 You could call it a case of Batman versus Spider-Man — but on a somewhat smaller-than superhero scale. Big Thicket National Preserve in southeastern… Continue Reading
Bat stroke or Batterfly? Either way, researchers show how bats can swim October 27, 2022 Very Important Bat news: Bats can swim. It’s only fitting in this week heading into Halloween, officials are sharing an incredible video of a… Continue Reading
Rare bat holds up in rare book store at Museum of English Rural Life March 1, 2019 Merlin may well be more famous right now than Batman. That’s because he made his own personal bat-cave in the rare book store at… Continue Reading
“Catch him, Derry!” Irish family along with new peeing puppy battle bat in the house September 6, 2017 Tadhg Fleming captured the hilarious struggle as his dad, the whole family including the dog, faced off unsuccessfully with a bat that got into the… Continue Reading
The sexual practice of bats November 10, 2013 Some things you just got to read because of the headline alone. This one was a winner. Google oral sex, tequila and bats and… Continue Reading