Muggins, “expert fundraiser” for Canadian veterans over two world wars, finds new home August 26, 2024 Muggins, a purebred Spitz, lived a short seven years, but the floofy white dog was a giant among fundraisers for military members and the… Continue Reading
Calgary Humane Society breaks record for most dogs wearing bandanas. No, really. There is such a record. June 5, 2016 Anything can be a world record – at least according to Guinness. The venerable keeper of lists of people – and animals – doing… Continue Reading
40 Dogs on a Log all for a very good cause April 17, 2015 Wonder how easy it would be to get 40 dogs to stay still long enough for a picture? Not very easy at all. But… Continue Reading
Street dogs of Honduras get a leg up … with a little help from their friends February 26, 2014 As the plight of the stray dogs of Sochi captured the world’s attention during the Winter Olympics, on the other side of the planet… Continue Reading