Very dramatic goat inadvertently prompts police response in Oklahoma May 14, 2023 Oklahoma police recently attended a scene that can be only described as the GOAT. Body camera footage released by the Enid Police Department only… Continue Reading
“Chaotic” goat sets off grenades injuring 40 Russian soldiers with their own boobytraps June 25, 2022 Russian troops occupying a village in Ukraine were sabotaged by their own bombs this week by an unexpected war hero: A goat. Defence Intelligence… Continue Reading
Photo of goats in a tree captured by photographer January 17, 2022 As a professional photographer, Stephen Tayo’s usual reason to travel is for work. Since visiting Marrakech solo in 2019, however, he had been raving… Continue Reading
8 goats are helping President Donald Trump pay less taxes at his NJ golf course August 16, 2019 President Donald Trump often heralds his sane genius and his dexterity in navigating U.S. tax laws. He demonstrating that with critters using a loophole… Continue Reading
Got Goat? Edmonton does and is hiring a chief goat herder February 27, 2018 The city of Edmonton has recruited the best animals for the job of eating weeds in city parks and now wants to hire a… Continue Reading
Blind goat kidnapped from animal rescue FARRM in Canada September 11, 2017 Who does this? Someone snatched a blind goat from an animal sanctuary in northern Alberta. You have to be kidding me. Nope. Farm Animal Rescue… Continue Reading
Headless goat, decapitated chickens found on shoreline by Lake Ontario August 9, 2017 Durham Regional Police are looking for witnesses who may have seen something over the weekend that could lead them to uncover who dumped mutilated… Continue Reading
Missing Genevieve, the therapy goat, goes on the lam(b) for two weeks. July 25, 2017 Therapy goat Genevieve needed a little me time. The mama goat, who helps provide therapy to clients at Binkadi Community Services, an organization on… Continue Reading
Cyclops goat born in India is real and it’s amazing May 20, 2017 Who cares about finding a mythical unicorn when you can have a real-life cyclops goat. Yes, a living breathing goat with one eye. And,… Continue Reading
(Royal monarchy version ) of GOAT (Queen Elizabeth) meets real life goat March 4, 2017 Queen Elizabeth visited the Royal Welsh, a regiment of the British Army, on Friday. Among other royal duties at their base in Tidworth, the… Continue Reading