Terrified marmot staring down Tibetan fox is wildlife photo of the year October 19, 2019 It’s called The Moment. And it is. The image of a standoff between a Tibetan fox and a marmot in China’s Qilian Mountains has captured… Continue Reading
Greenpeace sets up GoPro for marmot to lick August 18, 2014 Greenpeace USA went to Glacier National Park recently with the mission to document climate change. The organization is particularly concerned about what it calls… Continue Reading
Marmot on loose in Bay Area caught using Fig Newtons (organic, of course) July 7, 2014 Bernal Marmot @bernalmarmot · Jul 2 nom nom nom RT @WES_RescueTeam: @bernalmarmot You just couldn’t stay away from the radiator fluid, could you? Yellowed-bellied marmots sucking sweet radiator… Continue Reading