Study shows dogs “see” with their super-sniffer noses July 26, 2022 Everyone knows dogs have the best noses on the block. But now scientists have found those “highly sensitive” sniffing skills might actually help pooches… Continue Reading
Monk seals caught with “eels in noses” is apparently a thing December 8, 2018 And you thought toddlers stuffing peas up their nose was bad. Fisheries officials have spotted something that tops it: Seals with eels shoved up… Continue Reading
This poor sweet dog from Detroit had his nose and ears cut off by some sick jerk January 19, 2017 Sorry, the headline of this story should be: Please someone find the asshole capable of such cruelty. The Michigan Humane Society is offering a… Continue Reading
Reward offered for sick abuser who bound dog’s mouth, abandoned it to starve to death January 14, 2017 On Christmas Eve, a small dog was found abandoned on a Toronto street with his mouth bound shut with an elastic band. The apricot-coloured… Continue Reading
Wednesday Zen Moment: Maya the bear forced to dance finds sanctuary in Pakistan January 4, 2017 How do you get a bear to dance? In Maya the bear in rural Pakistan, it requires torture. This Wednesday Zen Moment comes from… Continue Reading