Bill to ban puppy mills and reckless sale of dogs now law in Ontario June 6, 2024 A new law designed to crack down on unethical dog breeders passed royal assent in Ontario Thursday, giving the province new power to stamp… Continue Reading
California becomes first state to require only rescue animals sold in pet stores January 1, 2019 Effective today, only rescue dogs, cats and rabbits can be sold in California pet stores. The state’s new legislation, titled AB-485, bans shops from selling… Continue Reading
For-profit dog and cat sales banned in Ottawa under new pet shop bylaw April 15, 2016 Pet shops in Canada’s capital have five years to stop selling commercially-bred dogs and cats under a new city bylaw adopted this week. Ottawa… Continue Reading
British Columbia cracking down on puppy mills with new legislation February 23, 2016 Just days after a dozens of dogs and cats were seized in a pair of busts on backyard breeding operations in British Columbia, the provincial government… Continue Reading