Cougar granted “complete freedom” by court after being held captive at home in Argentina October 3, 2022 Animal rights organizations around the world are celebrating a court ruling in Argentina that has granted a formerly captive cougar rights as a “sentient… Continue Reading
Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey circus returns without animals May 18, 2022 The circus is coming back to town and this time, after more than 146 years, it will be without animals. Five years after shutting… Continue Reading
Democrat Julian Castro first to unveil animal welfare plan, takes aim at Trump Jr’s hunting fixation August 21, 2019 Democratic presidential candidate Julián Castro has become the first candidate to release a wide-ranging plan calling for a crack down on trophy hunting and… Continue Reading
Meatless Monday: Animal rights protesters target Australian theme parks for holiday December 17, 2018 Animal activist groups are protesting theme parks at the start of the holiday season in an attempt to raise attention over captive animals like… Continue Reading
Meatless Monday: Animal rights activists want farmers in Hurricane Florence zones to open their doors October 1, 2018 Vegas are urging farmers in some zones North Carolina hit by Hurricane Florence to open their barn doors and free their animals instead of… Continue Reading
Meatless Monday: Moby donates 100% of proceeds from new album to animal rights groups March 19, 2018 Singer Moby is known for his activism and with his newest album, he’s donating all the proceeds to animal rights groups. The artist, who’s… Continue Reading
Meatless Monday: The Oscat, the most animal-friendly films of the year, goes to…. March 5, 2018 The Academy Awards may reward the year’s best films according to Hollywood standards, but how about the movies that best advanced animal rights? PETA… Continue Reading
Meatless Monday: Activists forces butcher to hang up sign saying animals have the right to live August 14, 2017 An animal rights group is claiming victory after they harassed a small butcher shop in Berkeley into putting up a sign saying animals had… Continue Reading
Sandra the orangutan now has some human rights protection December 24, 2014 An Argentine court has ruled that Sandra, an orangutan in the Buenos Aires Zoo, is entitled to the right of habeas corpus. The decision… Continue Reading