Thursday Throw Down: Cats versus Bobwhite quails versus ticks August 10, 2017 Long Island biologists and educators are testing a theory on whether quails can reduce the number of ticks and what role pet cats may… Continue Reading
Thursday Throw Down: What happens when a McLaren supercar encounters an animal on the road July 6, 2017 Lee McClurg was driving along a country road in the UK in his luxury car when he spotted an animal on the road. He… Continue Reading
Thursday Throw Down: Male cuttlefish fight over female in dramatic battle captured on video May 4, 2017 A chance observation by two graduate students diving off the Aegean Sea in Turkey turned into a dramatic video of theatre and violence between… Continue Reading
Thursday Throw Down: Cheery view of polar bears according to SeaWorld or grim bleak life according to PETA April 20, 2017 Perhaps the truth lies somewhere in between. PETA calls the polar bear in the Grandview Aquarium, a shopping mall, one of the saddest zoos… Continue Reading
Thursday Throw Down: Who’s more surprised by a house filled with puppies? February 23, 2017 So apparently this is a thing. Husbands or boyfriends fill a house full of puppies and then film their partner’s joyful reaction to coming… Continue Reading
Thursday Throw Down: Who’s better at stealing food? Squirrels or seagulls February 16, 2017 In this first instalment of Thursday Throwdown, we let two known champs at stealing food duke it out for critter supremacy. In one corner,… Continue Reading