Cecil the Lion’s son Xanda killed by hunter, two years after international outcry over hunting dentist July 20, 2017 The son of Cecil the Lion, whose killing by dentist Walter Palmer sparked international outrage, has been killed under similar circumstances. Xanda, a six-year-old… Continue Reading
Zimbabwe will not charge Walter Palmer for killing Cecil the lion October 12, 2015 Despite worldwide outrage after an American dentist killed a well-known lion just outside at national park in Zimbabwe, African officials will not prosecute the… Continue Reading
Cecil the Lion killer Walter Palmer emerges after six weeks hiding out in seclusion September 8, 2015 After six weeks of staying quiet and out of sight, dentist Walter Palmer, the hunter who killed Zimbabwe’s Cecil the Lion, gave his first… Continue Reading
Duelling Cecil the lion Halloween costumes as PETA weighs in August 29, 2015 We told you about the bizarre Dr. Walter Palmer kills Cecil the lion Halloween costume. Well, PETA has flipped the trophy hunter on his… Continue Reading
You’re kidding, right? Nope, there’s a Cecil the Lion and dentist killer costume for Halloween August 25, 2015 This totally creeps us out. From the tasteless file comes this just-in-time for Halloween costume from Costumeish. Here’s how they describe it: All Doctor… Continue Reading
Dispute over plan to erect Cecil the lion memorial statue August 20, 2015 An initiative to build a life-sized statue to remember Cecil the poached lion is erupting in controversy. The Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force says it has already… Continue Reading
Cecil the Lion update: Walter Palmer wanted to kill an elephant, reaching out to US officials August 3, 2015 In his first response since apologizing for killing Cecil the Lion, hunter Walter Palmer has indicated he is cooperating with U.S. Fish and Wildlife… Continue Reading
Cecil the lion’s brother alive despite reports Jericho was victim of illegal hunt August 2, 2015 First horror, now relief in Zimbabwe. Despite reports that Jericho, brother of Cecil the lion, was poached, the lion is thriving. And even more… Continue Reading
Take a picture, not a trophy shows death of Cecil the Lion was so unnecessary July 30, 2015 This photograph by Chris Du Plessis is making the rounds in social media, for good reason. Since the worldwide condemnation of the killing of Cecil… Continue Reading