Wednesday Zen Moment: Rescue horses munch on apples from back of truck.

When you’re a horse, sometimes the buffet comes right to you.

14264058_10154377157251397_8192933164989946577_nGive some apples and love to Second Chance Ranch, a critter rescue organization and the Pacific Northwest’s first no-kill animal rescue for dogs and horses. 14291635_10154377157256397_6257828169837799903_n

The horse with the most personality is Mustang, who loves to munch on apples and licorice.

But every horse loves apples and when a truckload of apples came round the ranch recently, the horses were in apple heaven.

Many of the horses on the ranch are former Thoroughbred race horses and the ranch’s specialization is rehabilitation, transition training and adoption services of these horses into second careers. Perhaps they could be apple test tasters?

Check out Second Chance Ranch and send some apples.

About the author

Peg Fong is also in recovery from newspapers

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