Phillips Brewing & Malting Company had somewhat of a bird-brained idea: have an eagle deliver beer.
But it’s Beer From A Bird concept ruffled some serious feathers with animal lovers and government officials in the company’s home province of British Columbia.
“A bald eagle is going to deliver fresh cans of Phillips Pilsner to some very lucky craft beer lovers,” the Victoria-based company announced this spring. “In an era where innovation often means digitization, we’re ditching the drone and going analogue.”
Hercules, the bird, even fittingly has a Twitter account.
And, a training regime documented on video.
But the company received so much backlash it was forced to put it’s plan on ice this month. The B.C. Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources grounded the real-life raptor flight. But Phillips found a high-tech work around.
The BC Ministry said no to Beer From A Bird, but we couldn’t let our friends go thirsty. #beerfromabird
— Phillips Beer (@phillipsbeer) June 16, 2016
Despite the controversy, Phillips maintains its birds are still better than drones, posting this cheeky video.
Photos Phillips Beer