Louisiana police officer charged with allegedly having sex with animals December 24, 2018 A police officer in Louisiana has turned himself in on animal sexual abuse charges following an investigation by the the state’s special victim’s unit…. Continue Reading
Bill Gates, as Secret Santa, sent Reddit user totally cool gifts for her dog December 29, 2016 A Reddit user scored the big jackpot this past Christmas after getting billionaire Bill Gates as her Secret Santa. Turns out, Gates is a… Continue Reading
Happy Father’s Day! Dad, why didn’t you get a slide like this for me and the dog when we were kids? June 21, 2015 Milo the lab thinks he’s one of the kids when it comes to sliding down a gigantic waterslide set up in a Louisiana backyard…. Continue Reading
Hoarder’s home housed 2,000 critters including peacocks August 20, 2014 The smell of two thousand critters living inside a house in Louisiana must have been pretty horrible. Not only did officials find the standard dogs… Continue Reading