Bentley, dog of Dallas nurse with Ebola, to be saved October 15, 2014 Bentley, the dog belonging to a Dallas health care worker who contracted Ebola, will be spared the fate of Excalibur, the dog that was… Continue Reading
UPDATE: Spanish health authorities euthanize Excalibur, the dog owned by Ebola-stricken nurse October 8, 2014 Spanish health officials went into the home of a Spanish nurse who contracted Ebola after caring for two patients with the virus and destroyed… Continue Reading
Canines rally to save Excalibur, dog of Spanish nurse with Ebola #SalvemosAExcalibur October 8, 2014 A worldwide effort is being mounted to save Excalibur, the dog who may have been infected with the deadly Ebola virus after its owner… Continue Reading