All hail the new canine in chief of Rabbit Hash, Kentucky.
In other hotly contested U.S. election news, Wilbur Beast, a French bulldog, has been voted the new mayor of the wonderfully-named community and self-described “The Center of the Universe.”
Rabbit Hash is famous for its General Store, est. 1831, and its history of electing dogs a mayor every four years.
Mayor Wilbur took the helm of this venerable position this week with results officially tallied by the Rabbit Hash Historical Society.

“Wilbur Beast is the new mayor with an amazing 13,143 votes (highest winning total ever) toward an election total of 22,985!!! (Also the highest total ever for a Rabbit Hash election),” the society announced on election day in America.
(Rabbit Hash, by the way, only has a population of about 426.)
Mayoral election in Rabbit Hash has been called! Wilbur Beast is the new mayor with an amazing 13,143 votes (highest…
Posted by Rabbit Hash Mayoral Candidates on Tuesday, November 3, 2020
It was a dogfight, to be sure.
Jack Rabbit, the Beagle, and Poppy, the golden retriever, came in second and third, which make them both Rabbit Hash Ambassadors along with Ambassador Lady Stone, who will retain her position.
But Wilbur remains the man, er doggo, of the hour.
“I got to meet so many lovely people in the last 24 hours,” Wilbur’s handlers posted on social media. “And I can’t wait to meet so many more. I am humbled and beyond thankful for all of the support from far away and right here at home.”
Mayor Wilbur here! I got to meet so many lovely people in the last 24 hours..and I can’t wait to meet so many more. I am…
Posted by Mayor Wilbur of Rabbit Hash KY on Wednesday, November 4, 2020
It’s been a long road for Wilbur.
Baby you can drive my car 🎶 Rabbit Hash is not that far 🎶 Get on down to the Rabbit Hash Town 🇺🇸
Posted by Mayor Wilbur of Rabbit Hash KY on Saturday, November 7, 2020
While Wilbur campaigned on the slogan, “Give me liberty or give me milkbones,” he did go for walks with a serious message.

And Wilbur doesn’t plan to waste his platform.
Already he’s launched a breast cancer awareness campaign. Because, he’s a very good boy.
That’s a fight we can all get behind.