20 dumped critters rescued from freezing dump in Alberta, dozens more cats and dogs recovered

It’s been a busy week for the Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society.

In one week alone, rescuers have saved 88 dogs and cats left out in the cold.

It’s winter in Alberta and the rescue crew were very busy. The rescues included 20 cats and dogs found at a rural dump two hours south of Calgary.

AARCS was called to check on a couple of injured dogs at the dump last Sunday. But when they arrived they discovered other critters needing rescue.

Katie Ayres with AARCs said rescuers found litters of dogs and cats.

It must have been either a place where local people would drop off unwanted animals, or a place where the animals were seeking out because maybe it was a good food source.”

At the dump, rescuers found the animals covered in mud. The mother dog had set up a shelter for her puppies out of the garbage.

Dogs rescued by AARCS

The first discovery was a dog with her six freezing wet, mud caked pups in a den.

Another two dogs were spotted living in the dump.

During the rescue, the car with all the rescued dogs got stuck in the mud and the rescuers had to push the truck out.

A typical week would see 15-25 animals taken in by the group, according to AARCS. The society currently has 362 cats and about 250 dogs in need of adoption.

It’s unclear why there were so many animals in need of rescue in the last week, but the cold weather may have been a factor.

h/t: AARCS

About the author

Peg Fong is also in recovery from newspapers

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